Tuesday, 13 December 2011

That's not my bad

Peeps :* Nanie ! You looked bigger than before !
* Pipi mung napok bulat !
*Nanie gemok .

Gemok and Gemok and Gemok .

People keeps telling me that I've gained much weight . Huarrrrrrgh - Sicking tired of all that . Let me stressed here : 

Mom - She keeps served me all the kind of delicious foods that can seduce my salivatation . And you know lah , kalau tak makan nanti dia tacing pulak - Nak jaga hati orang tua la katekaaaan . Hmm 

Pizza Hut , McD , KFC and etc - Branch dia banyak sangat kat sini . Kalau lalu jee  tak beli - nanti cakap menganjeng pulak . Kate masyarakat saling membantu ? Sebulan sekali takkan taknak tolong kott .

Weight scale - Yang nie aku tak puas hati - Sebab banyak yang dah rosak . Mula tunjuk angka yang aku tak suka .

Nasi - Sebutir beras tu setitik peluh petani . So , we must appreciate that right ? -.-

Babes , 

Geeeeeeeeeeeezzz - BYE :)